Labels, the love/hate relationship.

Labels, the love/hate relationship.

Nov 30 Rob  
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Labels are a funny thing in DCS to some they are cheating while to others they are a god send, which makes balancing the use of them at times hard. The simple realistic fact is that DCS Worlds visibility sucks at times compared to reality and if your in VR it’s compounded and made even worse! But at the same time default labels are dead give away’s as to what a target is, who’s side it’s on and in vr put this big arse chevron that is easy to find, which makes them well almost a cheat right?

So what can you do about it? Enforce a label set in a mission that all users have to use or turn them off and make every one suffer. Rather then do the later we have starting with our Dog Fighting mission and the existing mission for Red Iberia which by the way already uses a custom labels file!, we are moving to a new more ‘realistic’ label type that does it’s best to balance out the need for actually being able to visibly see something at a distance vs well cheating.

As such I’ve put the entire label file here for public review, your welcome to comment on it in discord, but this will be going live (it’s already on the servers!) and is what I hope a balance between being fair to all users.

But the general gist is as follows:

  1. No Red/Blue all labels are the same color, Black.
  2. Aircraft labels remain as a dot and begin fading in at 8km, reach max view-ability at 3km before fading back out by 500m
  3. Missiles remain as as dot start fading in at 4km reaching peak view-ability at 500m.
  4. Ground Units start fading in at 3km and have faded out by 1km.
  5. Naval units fade in at 9km and fade out at 6km


-- Label parameters
 -- Copyright (C) 2018, Eagle Dynamics.
 -- Last modified for TGW DEC 1 2019.
 -- labels =  0  -- NONE
 -- labels =  1  -- FULL
 -- labels =  2  -- ABBREVIATED
 -- labels =  3  -- DOT ONLY
 -- Off: No labels are used
 -- Full: As we have now
 -- Abbreviated: Only red or blue dot and unit type name based on side
 -- Dot Only: Only red or blue dot based on unit side
 local IS_DOT          = labels and labels ==  3
 local IS_ABBREVIATED = labels and labels ==  2
 AirOn                    = true
 GroundOn                 = true
 NavyOn                    = true
 WeaponOn                 = true
 labels_format_version     = 1 -- labels format vesrion
 -- Label text format symbols
 -- %N - name of object
 -- %D - distance to object
 -- %P - pilot name
 -- %n - new line 
 -- %% - symbol '%'
 -- %x, where x is not NDPn% - symbol 'x'
 -- %C - extended info for vehicle's and ship's weapon systems
 -- Example
 -- labelFormat[5000] = {"Name: %N%nDistance: %D%n Pilot: %P","LeftBottom",0,0}
 -- up to 5km label is:
 --       Name: Su-33
 --       Distance: 30km
 --       Pilot: Pilot1
 -- alignment options 
 -- labels font properties {font_file_name, font_size_in_pixels, text_shadow_offset_x, text_shadow_offset_y, text_blur_type}
 -- text_blur_type = 0 - none
 -- text_blur_type = 1 - 3x3 pixels
 -- text_blur_type = 2 - 5x5 pixels
 font_properties =  {"DejaVuLGCSans.ttf", 13, 0, 0, 0}
 local accent = "˙" --U+02C6
 local dot  =  "˙" --U+02D9
 local triangle  =  "ˑ" --U+02D1
 local aircraft_symbol_near  =  accent
 local aircraft_symbol_far   =  accent
 local aircraft_symbol_dot  =  dot
 local ground_symbol_near    = "ˉ"  --U+02C9
 local ground_symbol_far     = "ˉ"  --U+02C9
 local navy_symbol_near      = "˜"  --U+02DC
 local navy_symbol_far       = "˜"  --U+02DC
 local weapon_symbol_near    = triangle --"ˈ"  --U+02C8
 local weapon_symbol_far     = triangle --"ˈ"  --U+02C8
 local function dot_symbol(blending,opacity)
     return {"˙","CenterCenter", blending or 1.0 , opacity  or 0.1}
 local NAME                    = "%N"
 local NAME_DISTANCE_PLAYER = "%N%n %D%n %P"
 local NAME_DISTANCE        = "%N%n %D"
 local DISTANCE             =   "%n %D"
 -- Text shadow color in {red, green, blue, alpha} format, volume from 0 up to 255
 -- alpha will by multiplied by opacity value for corresponding distance
 local text_shadow_color = {128, 128, 128, 255}
 local text_blur_color     = {0, 0, 255, 255}
 local EMPTY = {"", "LeftBottom", 1, 1, 0, 0}
 if IS_DOT then
 AirFormat = {
 --[distance]        = {format, alignment, color_blending_k, opacity, shift_in_pixels_x, shift_in_pixels_y}
 [100]    = EMPTY,
 [500]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.05 , -3  , 4},
 [1000]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.25 , -3  , 4},
 [1500]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.5 , -3  , 4},
 [2500]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.60  , -3    , 4},
 [3000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.70  , -3    , 4},
 [4000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.60  , -3    , 4},
 [5000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.50  , -3    , 4},
 [6000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.50   , 0.25  , -3    , 4},
 [7000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.25   , 0.15  , -3    , 4},
 [8000]    = {aircraft_symbol_dot  , "LeftBottom"  ,1.0    , 0.05  , -3    , 2},
 GroundFormat = {
 --[distance]        = {format , alignment, color_blending_k, opacity, shift_in_pixels_x, shift_in_pixels_y}
 [1000]    = EMPTY,
 [1500]    = dot_symbol(0.25, 0.25),
 [1750]    = dot_symbol(0.75, 0.5),
 [2000]    = dot_symbol(0.75, 0.25),
 [3000]    =  dot_symbol(0.75, 0.1),
 NavyFormat = {
 --[distance]        = {format, alignment, color_blending_k, opacity, shift_in_pixels_x, shift_in_pixels_y}
 [10]    = EMPTY,
 [2000] = EMPTY,
 [5000] = EMPTY,
 [6000]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.1   , -3    , 0},
 [6500]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.2   , -3    , 0},
 [7000]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.3   , -3    , 0},
 [7500]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.4   , -3    , 0},
 [8000]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.5   , -3    , 0},
 [8250]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.4   , -3    , 0},
 [8500]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.3   , -3    , 0},
 [8750]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.2   , -3    , 0},
 [9000]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.1   , -3    , 0},
 WeaponFormat = {
 [100]    = EMPTY,
 [250]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.75 , -3  , 4},
 [500]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.7 , -3  , 4},
 [750]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.6 , -3  , 4},
 [1000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.55  , -3    , 4},
 [1500]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.50  , -3    , 4},
 [2000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.40  , -3    , 4},
 [2500]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.30  , -3    , 4},
 [3000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.50   , 0.25  , -3    , 4},
 [3500]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.25   , 0.15  , -3    , 4},
 [4000]    = {aircraft_symbol_dot  , "LeftBottom"  ,1.0    , 0.05  , -3    , 2},
 elseif IS_ABBREVIATED then 
 AirFormat = {
 --[distance]        = {format, alignment, color_blending_k, opacity, shift_in_pixels_x, shift_in_pixels_y}
 [100]    = EMPTY,
 [500]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.05 , -3  , 4},
 [1000]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.25 , -3  , 4},
 [1500]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.5 , -3  , 4},
 [2500]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.60  , -3    , 4},
 [3000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.70  , -3    , 4},
 [4000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.60  , -3    , 4},
 [5000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.50  , -3    , 4},
 [6000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.50   , 0.25  , -3    , 4},
 [7000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.25   , 0.15  , -3    , 4},
 [8000]    = {aircraft_symbol_dot  , "LeftBottom"  ,1.0    , 0.05  , -3    , 2},
 GroundFormat = {
 --[distance]        = {format , alignment, color_blending_k, opacity, shift_in_pixels_x, shift_in_pixels_y}
 [1000]    = EMPTY,
 [1500]    = dot_symbol(0.25, 0.25),
 [1750]    = dot_symbol(0.75, 0.5),
 [2000]    = dot_symbol(0.75, 0.25),
 [3000]    =  dot_symbol(0.75, 0.1),
 NavyFormat = {
 --[distance]        = {format, alignment, color_blending_k, opacity, shift_in_pixels_x, shift_in_pixels_y}
 [10]    = EMPTY,
 [2000] = EMPTY,
 [5000] = EMPTY,
 [6000]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.1   , -3    , 0},
 [6500]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.2   , -3    , 0},
 [7000]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.3   , -3    , 0},
 [7500]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.4   , -3    , 0},
 [8000]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.5   , -3    , 0},
 [8250]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.4   , -3    , 0},
 [8500]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.3   , -3    , 0},
 [8750]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.2   , -3    , 0},
 [9000]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.1   , -3    , 0},
 WeaponFormat = {
 [100]    = EMPTY,
 [250]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.75 , -3  , 4},
 [500]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.7 , -3  , 4},
 [750]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.6 , -3  , 4},
 [1000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.55  , -3    , 4},
 [1500]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.50  , -3    , 4},
 [2000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.40  , -3    , 4},
 [2500]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.30  , -3    , 4},
 [3000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.50   , 0.25  , -3    , 4},
 [3500]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.25   , 0.15  , -3    , 4},
 [4000]    = {aircraft_symbol_dot  , "LeftBottom"  ,1.0    , 0.05  , -3    , 2},
 AirFormat = {
 --[distance]        = {format, alignment, color_blending_k, opacity, shift_in_pixels_x, shift_in_pixels_y}
 [100]    = EMPTY,
 [500]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.05 , -3  , 4},
 [1000]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.25 , -3  , 4},
 [1500]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.5 , -3  , 4},
 [2500]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.60  , -3    , 4},
 [3000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.70  , -3    , 4},
 [4000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.60  , -3    , 4},
 [5000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.50  , -3    , 4},
 [6000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.50   , 0.25  , -3    , 4},
 [7000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.25   , 0.15  , -3    , 4},
 [8000]    = {aircraft_symbol_dot  , "LeftBottom"  ,1.0    , 0.05  , -3    , 2},
 GroundFormat = {
 --[distance]        = {format , alignment, color_blending_k, opacity, shift_in_pixels_x, shift_in_pixels_y}
 [1000]    = EMPTY,
 [1500]    = dot_symbol(0.25, 0.25),
 [1750]    = dot_symbol(0.75, 0.5),
 [2000]    = dot_symbol(0.75, 0.25),
 [3000]    =  dot_symbol(0.75, 0.1),
 NavyFormat = {
 --[distance]        = {format, alignment, color_blending_k, opacity, shift_in_pixels_x, shift_in_pixels_y}
 [10]    = EMPTY,
 [2000] = EMPTY,
 [5000] = EMPTY,
 [6000]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.1   , -3    , 0},
 [6500]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.2   , -3    , 0},
 [7000]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.3   , -3    , 0},
 [7500]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.4   , -3    , 0},
 [8000]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.5   , -3    , 0},
 [8250]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.4   , -3    , 0},
 [8500]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.3   , -3    , 0},
 [8750]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.2   , -3    , 0},
 [9000]    = {navy_symbol_far              ,"LeftBottom"   ,0.75   , 0.1   , -3    , 0},
 WeaponFormat = {
 [100]    = EMPTY,
 [250]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.75 , -3  , 4},
 [500]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.7 , -3  , 4},
 [750]  = {aircraft_symbol_near , "LeftBottom"  ,0.75 , 0.6 , -3  , 4},
 [1000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.55  , -3    , 4},
 [1500]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.50  , -3    , 4},
 [2000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.40  , -3    , 4},
 [2500]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.60   , 0.30  , -3    , 4},
 [3000]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.50   , 0.25  , -3    , 4},
 [3500]    = {aircraft_symbol_far  , "LeftBottom"  ,0.25   , 0.15  , -3    , 4},
 [4000]    = {aircraft_symbol_dot  , "LeftBottom"  ,1.0    , 0.05  , -3    , 2},
 PointFormat = {
 [100000]    = {"%N%n%D", "LeftBottom"},
 -- Colors in {red, green, blue} format, volume from 0 up to 255
 ColorAliesSide   = {50, 50,50}
 ColorEnemiesSide = {50, 50, 50}
 ColorUnknown     = {50, 50, 50} -- will be blend at distance with coalition color
 ShadowColorNeutralSide     = {0,0,0,0}
 ShadowColorAliesSide    = {0,0,0,0}
 ShadowColorEnemiesSide     = {0,0,0,0}
 ShadowColorUnknown         = {0,0,0,0}
 BlurColorNeutralSide     = {255,255,255,255}
 BlurColorAliesSide        = {50 ,50 ,50 ,255}
 BlurColorEnemiesSide    = {50 ,50 ,50 ,255}
 BlurColorUnknown        = {50 ,50 ,50 ,255}

About Rob

Rob is the server monkey and founder of TGW, he grew up a RAAF brat, and has had a love of aviation from well as long as he can remember in large part thanks to his dad and mum. Sadly medical issues mean that dream won't ever come true, so instead he tries to recreate it in virtual space. He's programmed for Flight Sim, designed ATO/Tasking and simulation systems for VSOA's, made a virtual PC9 fly correctly and its systems run properly, Beta tested for P3D, done concept art and design work for a best selling author plus more. See more about Rob at his personal website

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