Flight/Start Up and Taxi

Flight/Start Up and Taxi

Nov 29 Rob  
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TGW operates with a general SOP for the Start Up, Taxi and hold process, this allows for rapid deployment when operating as a group, however given DCS allows for HOT/COLD ARMED/UNARMED states this SOP tries to take that into account.

  1. Once loaded in check your air frame if external views are available and make certain it has the correct mission ordnance if it does proceed to step 2, if it does not continue below, if external views are not available then continue below.
    • Using either the communication menu or the alt + ‘ command contact ground crew.
    • Set your A/C stores configuration as briefed.
  2. Unless otherwise briefed or the Aircraft is already started begin Aircraft start up and procedures until A/C is in a state that it is ready to taxi, up to and including being on correct communication freq.
  3. When in a Ready to taxi state turn on your Taxi light and move your aircraft either:
    • Forwards out of the hanger enough for the Cockpit to be clearly visible if in a hanger.
    • Forwards at least 1/4th of a planes length if not in a hanger.
  4. If flight lead, get all flight units to check in on briefed frequency. IF No frequency was briefed then ALL units should tune to 133.30 VHF and 251 UHF.
  5. Upon Flight Leads order and/or clearance from ATC if ATC is being used, Taxi as ordered to the hold point at the runway, when initiating taxi Flight Lead will always be the first Aircraft, followed by 2,3,4. Offset yourselves on the Taxiway if possible as shown:
  1. Once reaching hold point await clearance or if not under ATC control look for traffic before lining up.

If respawning during a mission

  1. Follow SOP, but ignore unless entire group is dead the Taxi instructions or the waiting for flight lead.

About Rob

Rob is the server monkey and founder of TGW, he grew up a RAAF brat, and has had a love of aviation from well as long as he can remember in large part thanks to his dad and mum. Sadly medical issues mean that dream won't ever come true, so instead he tries to recreate it in virtual space. He's programmed for Flight Sim, designed ATO/Tasking and simulation systems for VSOA's, made a virtual PC9 fly correctly and its systems run properly, Beta tested for P3D, done concept art and design work for a best selling author plus more. See more about Rob at his personal website http://robgraham.info

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