T106: Advanced Combat Manuveres

Jul 21 Rob  
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The following is the briefing packet for the Advanced Combat Manuveres Training flight. This flight is designed to be run on a training night or with at least an instructor and 2 other people, while this packet is designed for the Hornet, it can be applied to any other Fighter easily, we highly recommend that you have an understanding of Basic Fighter Manuveres (BFM) prior to doing this mission and if possible read through 16v5’s ACM section.

Mission Flight Plan

Mission Goals

  • Imparting of Basic ACM skill sets and proficiencies.
  • Formation flight and Tac form refresher.
  • Communications usage.

Mission Success Criteria

  • Majority understanding of wing/lead covering during acm situations.
  • Correct reactions and formation placement during Tac form calls.
  • Successful Recovery of all Aircraft to Kob.


  • Tiger1 – Primary Training flight of 2 – 4 F18’s
  • Zulu1 – Primary ACM opponents if avalible.
  • Texaco11 – TANKER on 253 UHF 1X TACAN.


Homeplate: N41:55.917 E041:52.583 
WP1: 069 15 0.69m 15,000ft N41:59.592 E042:11.709 
ACM: 285 36 0.69m 15,000ft N42:13.083 E041:26.380 
Texaco: 182 18 290CAS 15,000ft N41:55.038 E041:22.603 
Batumi LLC: 148 20 0.87m 15,000ft N41:37.232 E041:34.289 
Recov: 013 18 0.69m 500ft N41:54.148 E041:42.683 
Homeplate: 070 8 250CAS 1,500ft, N41:55.917 E041:52.583


  • Kobuleti – 133.0
  • Training Freq: 131.50
  • Texaco: 253.0 1x
  • Overlord: 251, LINK 20.


Rules of Engagement: Training/Weapons Safe modes only, no Active Killing during this flight. All kills must occure behind the 3/9 Wing line.

Harddeck: 1,000ft.

Knock Off Call: 3 x KNOCK OFF’s

Knock Off Reset: Climb out Cardinal Direction to 15,000ft and rejoin as lead directs.

Fuel Plan:
Joker: 5,000 Bingo: 2,000

Fuel Management: On Joke AC must proceed to TEXACO and tank, if unable to tank by Bingo, AC must Direct RTB.

Loadout: 2xAIM-9x, 1 x Belly Tank.

Pre-Taxi: – Enter WP Data into AC, Load AC when ready move forwards from Inital start point
Taxi: Taxi By Element.
Takeoff: Standard 2 ship.
Rejoin: All AC will rejoin Enroute to AWP2 (ACM Training)
ACM: AC will engage in ACM Sets.
Tanking: Tanking will be 2 birds, standard formation with Lowest fuel priority.
Recovery: Recovery will by batumi low level run, Upon hitting Batumi LLC, Aircraft will drop to 100-500ft AGL and proceed at 500knots along the coast in tactical formation. Until hitting Kobuleti radial 070 for approach. At which point wing/element will take over landing type.

Other information

During this flight all Formation turns should be TACTICAL formation based turns, meaning that after take off, flights should be in spread formation.

About Rob

Rob is the server monkey and founder of TGW, he grew up a RAAF brat, and has had a love of aviation from well as long as he can remember in large part thanks to his dad and mum. Sadly medical issues mean that dream won't ever come true, so instead he tries to recreate it in virtual space. He's programmed for Flight Sim, designed ATO/Tasking and simulation systems for VSOA's, made a virtual PC9 fly correctly and its systems run properly, Beta tested for P3D, done concept art and design work for a best selling author plus more. See more about Rob at his personal website http://robgraham.info

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