Dec 10
2.1.27a was pushed to the server will go live at 8pm today. it has these additional changes
- Adjusted some backend so if i need to wipe the persistent data for sams etc i can with out having to manually edit files.
- Moved Red Army 2 a little.
- Reduced Blue Army 2 in size.
- Added an extra Russian Sqn.
- Moved Russian CAP sqn Spawn point.
- Moved Russian Naval units pathing.
Red Iberia 2.1.27 was pushed to the server:
2.1.27 has the following changes
- SAM Persistancy added to the RED side for main SAM sites. (thanks to Pikey)
- Scenery Persistancy added (thanks to Pikey)
- Date shifted to 25th Dec.
- Weather updated.
- Russian Anthem on Red for radio removed due to FC aircraft not being able to stop it playing.