TGW Carrier Fixed Wing Aircraft SOP

The following is the Task Group Warrior standard operating procedures for Carrier operations; These operations replace the Prestart, Taxi, Take Off, RV, Landing sections of the TGW fixed wing land S.O.P’s. If an item is not referenced in this document […]

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Combined Arms & Our Servers

As we have grown we have seen more and more people wanting to use the Tactical Commander slots on Persia and other servers on both sides, some times simply to move units where they need them to take bases and […]

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C.SOP-TGW-F/A18-AL0. Hornet 45/30 Popup Bombing.

Pop to dive bombing achieves two primary aims; first it provides a stable, predictable launch platform for the weapon with ideal parameters. Second, it makes the striker a dynamic target for air defences. Pop attacks are suitable for moderately defended areas (light AAA and MANAD threat). In more extreme threat environments, consider using toss attacks or stand-off weapons.

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C.SOP-TGW-F/A18-AL1. Hornet Toss Bombing.

The toss bomb delivery is initially complex to achieve due to high pilot workload, but it is worth practicing to proficiency as it has many advantages. The main advantage of the toss bomb is that it minimises exposure of the striker to enemy air defences by ensuring some stand-off from the target area. Planned appropriately, it is also possible for the striker to remain hidden at low level on the run in, until the pull-up for weapon launch. Combining a well-planned guided weapon toss attack with jammer use, countermeasures and SEAD, allows for a relatively high probability of kill.

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IFF – MODE 1 and MODE 3

IFF MODES what are they? Most of if not all of you should already know what ‘IFF‘ is, that lovely ability to go ‘Are you Friend or Unknown?’ because really it being called Identify Friend or Foe is a little […]

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Combat/Tactical Form

Tactical Form PositionsThe Formations and the Theory! Formation why fly it? We fly formation because: Mutual Support and Cover. Additional Weapons on target. Higher Life Expectancy. This means that people need to: Trust Lead to do his job. Be in […]

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CAS 101: Close Air Support Basics.

Close Air Support is as the name suggests when Air assets, normally Attack Helicopter or Fighter/Bomber aircraft operate with ground forces in attacks against a common enemy, often in close proximity to friendly forces. Due to this a series of controls are in place both to allow for clear and proper attack runs to be made as well as to prevent fratricide against friendly forces.

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COMBAT/Standard Brevity

TGW uses a ‘hybrid’ mix of Brevity as it’s standard system of short hand rather then a single source, though most of it is based on the NATO standards. To keep every one on at least roughly the same page […]

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