Iranian Forces capitalises on lull to commence major new offensive

Sep 18 Christine Graham  
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Fresh back from an overseas study tour and a small stint at the New Zealand war college, Generals Spademani and Myoclonimani are expected to launch a major new offensive within the next 24 hours. Since the loss of Bandar Abbas, both Russia and China have provided military vehicles, munitions and intel. According to an insider, General Myoclonimani has asked for a Russian plan on how to run the offensive and then adopt the tactics of George Costanza and do the complete opposite – “success is assured” General Spademani is reported to have said. Based on buildup, chatter and movements, Intel reports a likely 0630Z (2030 AEST) commencement of offensive operations, with the goal of a likely retake of the Bandar Abbas region @Rob Graham @Eagle 1-1 | Hairy 🦅@Myoclonic Jerk

About Christine Graham

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