The following SOPs are those which are most often used by TGW.
- Unless other wised briefed expect a Element or Flight line up as shown below as shown for a ship and a 2 ship element where green is Lead, -2 is blue, brown is -3 and orange is -4

Line up, Left Flight Line up, Right Element Line up.

- If a rolling start is briefed, each unit enters the runway and goes to mil power for 2 seconds before igniting burners. Each unit should take into account wake turbulence from the aircraft in front.
- Unless briefed as a pairs take off, departures are a 10 second Streamed Take off using the following Procedures.
- Lead will call on Brakes.
- Wing and lead will apply breaks and run up to 80% Power.
- Lead will Call Brakes, Brakes, Brakes and release his brakes going to Mil or Burners as required.
- 10 seconds after lead has released Wing will do the same.
- If briefed as a pairs take off, departures are doing as lead and wing. The above procedure is followed except both units will release brakes at the same time. Lead should take into account Wings need to maintain position and refrain from using FULL burner.
- Standard take off departure procedures are to:
- Climb at 5 degree’s on the Velocity vector.
- Accelerate to 350 knots IAS.
- Maintain runway heading until + 2,000ft AGL
- Tactical/Scramble take off departure procedures are to:
- Remain at AGL + 100 – 200ft on take off.
- Accelerate to 500 Knots IAS.
- At 500 knots or greater IAS pull to 45 degree’s pitch up and maintain until airspeed reached 350 or below.
- Roll out and level, regaining speed as required.
- Standard Rejoin Procedures are to rejoin en-route to first briefed way point unless other wised briefed.
- Flight lead should give wing men a reference point, current heading, altitude and smash (speed either in KIAS or Mach). If wing man is unable to locate lead a ‘No Joy’/’Blind’ call should be given at which stage land marks or way-points should be used to facilitate rejoin.
- On rejoin wing should indicate which side they are rejoining, left or right.
- Unless otherwise briefed initial formation will be loose en-route.

A-10C and other ‘Slow’ Aircraft.
When flying the A-10C or any other aircraft with slow KIAS some changes are required to the SOP take off items. Make the following changes.
Section 2,3 & 4. Replace burners with ‘Mil’ power.
Section 5. Replace 350KIAS with 160 – 250KIAS as required by weight.
Section 6. Replace climb with remain low and fast, replace 500KIAS with Maximum speed.
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